Dog Bite as a Cause of PTSD

Home » Dog Bite as a Cause of PTSD
January 24, 2020
Edward Smith

Dog Bite Can Result in PTSD

Many scientific studies have shown that emotional issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder are common in children and adults following a dog bite attack. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that around 4.7 million people suffer bites from dogs each year. Of that number, 800,000 require medical treatment for their injuries. Statistically, it means that out of every 69 people, one will be attacked and bitten by a dog each year. A dog attack can result in serious injuries, and many people are left with scars or are disfigured as a result. Although the visible damage is readily apparent, the emotional harm may be long-lasting and incapacitating in some, which can continue for months or even years.

What Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Children and adults both can suffer PTSD as a result of a traumatic event such as a dog bite. Normal responses to stress can include having bad memories, feeling numb emotionally, and feeling tense. In a healthy person, those symptoms go away in a few weeks. However, in some children and adults, the symptoms not only do not go away but become more intense until the person has difficulty functioning as they did before. Professional help is needed for those suffering from PTSD to learn coping mechanisms. Symptoms may arise from one of the following categories:

  • Acute reactions to stress: The person may experience mental confusion, have panic attacks, suffer from insomnia and nightmares, and be unable to work or experience normal activities. 
  • Reliving the attack: In some who have been attacked by a dog, they may relive the event over and over through flashbacks just as a soldier can after being in a terrifying battle. This can cause the person to withdraw from the public and be afraid of going outdoors by avoiding the risk. For example, many people have dogs, and it is common to see them out in public. The individual takes a mental picture of the dog in the attack and transfers that fear to all dogs they see.
  • Comorbid PTSD: This type of reaction is seen in those who are already suffering from some disorders such as alcoholism, depression, or anxiety disorders. Sleep problems, feeling cut off emotionally, irritability, and increased depression can occur due to the dog attack.
  • Extreme stress PTSD: Extreme trauma such as a dog bite or abuse can lead to this type of PTSD. It can result in eating disorders, self-destructive behavior, aggression, and personality disorders.

Recovering Damages for PTSD

A person who was injured by a dog bite attack and suffers from PTSD, as a result, can place a claim for financial compensation as well as for their lost wages and medical bills. Documentation is important, and the person must have no medical diagnosis of PTSD that was made previously. Medical care by a professional such as a psychologist or psychiatrist is good evidence to prove that the PTSD resulted from the attack and wasn’t present beforehand. An experienced lawyer can help compile a strong case for compensation under the category of pain and suffering, which is allowed in personal injury cases.

How a Lawyer Helps

There are a number of steps that have to be taken to provide evidence for an aggressive dog attack. These can include subpoenaing veterinary records, complaints against the dog, and collecting statements from neighbors. It can also include statements from those who provide utility and mail services and delivery people at the residence. Because California is a strict liability state, this is necessary if the dog owner tries to contest the claim by saying the injured person provoked the injury. Once the evidence is gathered, our lawyers go to work to prepare a strong case for compensation. This can be used when negotiating on your behalf with the insurance company or preparing a court case.

Stockton Dog Bite Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Stockton dog bite lawyer. If you suffered injuries from a dog bite attack, I can help. Contact me at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400 for my free and friendly advice. You can also reach me by filling out the contact form online

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During the 38 years that I’ve worked as an injury lawyer, I’ve helped many Stockton residents obtain compensation for all kinds of traffic accidents, wrongful deaths, dog bite injuries, and other traumas.

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