Can A Dog Bite Break Bones?

Home » Can A Dog Bite Break Bones?
February 12, 2015
Edward Smith

Can A Dog Bite Break Bones

Dog bites can cause significant injuries including fractures. Common places that a dog will attack are to the leg, face, hand, or neck. Because a child’s head is close to the level of a larger-sized dog, the head and neck are the most common body parts for a dog bite to occur.  The hands, arms, and legs are typical places a dog bite occurs in older children and adults.

The forces of a dog’s jaw and teeth are so strong that they can often crush bones in these places. Fractures tend to be one of the most severe types of dog bite injuries because a victim often has puncture wounds from the dog’s teeth that can become infected on the skin and in the broken bone.

Breaking a bone during a dog attack will result in severe pain. Swelling typically occurs immediately around the injured area.

Commonly, a closed fracture is treated with a splint or a cast. After a few weeks, the doctor may recommend starting some gentle exercises to prevent the area from becoming stiff and difficult to move.

Open Fracture

After the wounds are cleansed thoroughly, antibiotics will be given and the fractured bone will be splinted temporarily. If surgery is needed to repair the fracture, antibiotics will be given to help decrease the chance of infection.

If surgery is not needed, a more permanent splint will be placed. These types of fractures will need to be followed closely with frequent checking of the skin wounds for signs of infection

The fingers, forearm, and wrist are also common places for dog bites causing significant injuries. These areas are more likely to be injured due to the victim’s attempt to fend an attacking dog off him or her. As a result, laceration, broken bones, and puncture wounds are common in these areas.

A broken bone is not a minor injury and medical treatment may result in significant financial hardship. A dog bite victim in California is entitled to receive compensation for his or her injuries and damages. If you or a loved one have suffered from a dog bite injury, contact our experienced Sacramento dog bite attorneys at the Edward A Smith Law Offices,, for a free legal case evaluation.  Please call (916) 921-6400 or if your out of the area in California call our toll-free number  1-(800) 404-5400.  Reviews of our office can be found on Yelp and Avvo.