Bicycle Safety Efforts Help Avoid Accidents

Home » Bicycle Safety Efforts Help Avoid Accidents
August 05, 2018
Edward Smith

Bicycle Safety Efforts Help Avoid Accidents

Bicycle Safety Efforts Help Avoid Accidents

I’m Ed Smith, a West Sacramento bicycle accident attorney. The number of people who ride bicycles has been steadily increasing around the country, including in California. Between 2012 and 2017, it represented an increase of almost 25 percent as more people discover the pleasure of riding a bike along with its economic and health benefits.

California Is a Bicycle Friendly State

California was listed as the third-highest bicycle-friendly state in the country in 2017, according to a report by USA Today. It’s also the sixth-highest state in terms of funds to improve bicycle safety. Part of the credit goes to Caltrans, which has a comprehensive plan to improve bicyclist and pedestrian safety. Unfortunately, with the increase in the numbers of those who use bicycles for exercise, pleasure and go to work or shopping, that also means an increase in bicycle accidents.

Injuries and Fatalities Caused by Collisions With Motor Vehicles

According to the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, there were 818 fatalities of bicycle riders attributed to collisions with motor vehicles in 2015. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also reported an estimated 45,000 injuries that same year. West Sacramento reported 19 injuries or fatalities to bicyclists in 2015, the City of Sacramento reported 231 and a total of 535 were reported around the county.

Locations Where Accidents Commonly Occur

The NHTSA studied where bicycle accident fatalities happened most often and their environmental characteristics. These were their conclusions:

61 percent of bicycle accidents happened at non-intersections.

  • 70 percent happened in urban areas.
  • The highest number of bicycle accidents occurred between 6:00 p.m. and 8:59 p.m.
  • The highest percentage (27 percent) occurred in the fall.
  • An equal number of bicyclist fatalities (47 percent) happened in daylight or hours after dark.

Bicyclist Injuries From Motor Vehicle Collisions

Common injuries suffered by bicyclists when in a collision with a motor vehicle are as follows:

  • Head injuries occur in up to 47 percent of collisions and can range from concussions to traumatic brain injuries, requiring a long period of hospitalization and rehabilitation. In more serious brain injuries, an individual may have cognitive and other problems that require life-long care.
  • Facial injuries are common and can range from contusions and minor scrapes to eye fractures, broken teeth and other facial injuries that require plastic surgery.
  • Abdominal injuries may be serious and cause internal bleeding or damage to organs such as the liver, large or small bowel or kidneys.
  • Soft tissues and skin may exhibit bruises, contusions, cuts or abrasions.
  • Musculoskeletal injuries can include strains or torn ligaments, a dislocation in a joint or bone fractures.
  • Chest injuries may cause bruising or other damage to the heart, a punctured lung or broken ribs.
  • Spinal injuries can range from a ruptured disc to damaged ligaments or severe spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injuries may cause loss of sensation and muscle function, weakness and paralysis. If the injury is in the upper portion of the neck, it may interfere with the ability to breathe and require the use of a ventilator.

West Sacramento Bicycle Accident Attorney

I’m Ed Smith, a West Sacramento bicycle accident attorney. Despite efforts to improve bicycle safety in California, many accidents still happen on a regular basis. If you or someone in your family was injured by a driver’s negligence, I can offer you free, friendly advice. Just call (916) 921-6400 or use our toll-free line at (800) 404-5400. We also offer an online form and will get back to you promptly.

It can be difficult to decide which injury lawyer to call when you need help with a legal matter. Looking over a law firm’s reviews by former clients is a good start. Find reviews of my firm at:

As a Million Dollar Advocates member, I have won verdicts or settlements for previous clients of at least $1 million.

I’ve worked for 36 years helping residents injured by negligence in West Sacramento and around Northern California to obtain compensation in areas such as traumatic injuries, brain injuries and wrongful death.

Visit Verdicts and Settlements to view prior cases and their results., the website I own and founded, contains extensive information for Northern Californians on personal injuries.

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